Archiving all cryptocurrency projects

by @nijynot

Given consumer crypto could take off in the future, an directory application for discovery and exploration of cryptocurrency applications make a lot of sense. It's getting harder by the day to keep up with the space, and aggregators of information in the industry becomes of importance for navigating cutting edge developments. The better information flows in the industry, the more efficient attention, work and capital can be allocated.

With that said, introducing Terrain—the database with every crypto project. Terrain aims to archive and index all crypto projects (both new and old) with the most comprehensive tagging system in the industry. It's definitely in the more in the experimental phase than being of production quality.

terrain.digitalrestaking on terrain

While there are other directories out there on cryptocurrency projects, most have implemented relatively rudimentary tagging system, or are missing a lot of projects (can be solved by extensive automated scraping or through user incentivization, or both).

Terrain implements a tagging and search system that allows the user to include and exclude specific tags, with a description and criteria for each tag (to be developed).

chain:ethereum -chain:solana restaking

This includes all restaking projects on Ethereum, but not those that are on Solana.

There's also a tree structure for all tags, to see how they relate to each other, making it easier to navigate. A snippet of it below.

├─ restaking
│  ├─ lrt
│  └─ avs
├─ yield
│  ├─ yield-aggregator
│  └─ yield-optimizer
├─ stablecoin
│  ├─ cdp-stablecoin
│  ├─ algorithmic-stablecoin
│  ├─ delta-neutral-stablecoin
│  └─ centralized-stablecoin

Lastly, a directory application can also be seen as a two-way market. The developers trying to get more eyes on their project, and then there are the users who want to be early to the quality projects. This creates an interesting dynamic, as there's incentive for both sides.

While an application like Product Hunt could struggle in usage from the user side, this is most likely not as large of a problem in crypto (the earlier you are to a project, the more potential there is to gain). As for finding new projects, developers can post their on projects, or it can be incentivized through points (find-to-earn).

product hunt